Thursday, November 26, 2009

Constant Catch-up

We flew through October and November and now our house, blog and lives are all in need of a major catch-up.

Construction on the grand Castle DKM was completed in September. Grant made it up as he went along and it is made almost entirely with recycled materials. A climbing wall and a spiral slide will be added in the spring (thanks to some awesome junk recently collected).

The first order of business was to play robbers with the castle as their hideout.

Kai's birthday was celebrated at Harbour City Gymnastics with 19 friends - split half & half with 'old' and 'new' friends from Rutherford & Hammond Bay. No surprise it was High School Musical themed. She now owns every licensed piece of HSM merchandise produced.

 Opening her presents from Mara & Drew. Mara was very interested.

"OMG! It's blah, blah, blah from HSM3!"

Soccer continues, even in the cold & rain of November. The kids don't seem to mind, but I'm still fuming that they do the season 'backwards' here on the island.

The #1 goal scorer in this house

Halloween was a roaring success this year with all three kids really into dressing up. "Addy Paddy" bought DK their costumes and they got to wear them for almost a week straight with all of the different dances and parties they had leading up to trick or treating. Mara was many different things during the week; a ballerina, a cat, and possibly the only 2-year-old who was "Han-tanna" (Hannah Montana).

Heading to the school dance

Ready for the real event

"Next house? Next house!!!!"

Mara absolutely loved getting candy (duh) and spent about 5 minutes blowing kisses and yelling "Happy, Happy WEEN!" at every house.  She lasted about 7 houses & then caught on that she could just sit in the wagon and eat while DK did the work.

 It started with some gummies...

then a chocolate bar...

...but the Cheezies did her in.

Other Stuff