Friday, November 14, 2008

Halloween - no snowsuits needed!

The kids didn't appreciate the greatness of it like we did, but they will when they get older. Not only did they get to wear their costumes for 3 full days of dress-up bliss (but it's Halloween everyday for Kai anyway), they also didn't have to wear a jacket over or under their costumes while trick or treating! They were out for 2.5 hours.

"We sure got a lot of candy this year...but it seems to be disappearing quickly." (Drew)

Dad gets to go the 'creepy' part

Drew really did his all on his own!

Off to the dance at Kai's school

Kai's first field trip

Kai & "Grade One Grace", her older & much admired friend

Kindergarten snacks are so cool!

The best part about this shot is that Kai did it just
to get a laugh from Uncle Jason & Montie HoHo