Saturday, August 23, 2008

Auntie Jessie rides into town

Last Sunday we drove to Victoria to fetch Auntie Jessie & bring her into our whirlwind for 5 days. By the time we had reached her we realized Drew had 'forgotten' his shoes back home, Mara had had a diaper explosion & we were late - big surprise.
As soon as we were sorted & Drew was fitted with new shoes ("I don't have any shoes so my parents have to buy me these!") we were on our way to Sooke for the bbq to beat ALL bbqs at the Rabien's. Welcome to your relaxing vacation Jess!

The rest of her visit was spent dodging rain (Wha? It rains here? I swore it didn't), visiting beaches, singing show tunes, and sharing champagne & some great yaks. It had been far too long between visits with her & we won't let that happen again.

Yes! Cage them to the point of exhaustion!

He ate one crab & 2 pieces of cake. That's my boy!

Nothing good came of this

After an exciting day Jess has the magic touch

Kai doing the usual

Fort building
"We are going to put this house on sale! 20 bucks!" (Kai)

She's #3. We don't worry about the germs too much anymore

Searching the lagoon for treasures at low tide

The girls doing what they do best - get mucky

Mara's first mouthful of seaweed

Please, please save me! Take me back with you!

Friday, August 15, 2008

More visitors, more sun!

Grant & DKM have been in Vernon all week after driving Norman to meet his new family. When we decided to get another dog after Bailey we had no idea that we'd be moving to the island, starting a business, living next door to the Twilight Zone, and owning a house with dark hardwood floors. We love him, but in reality his big goofy self was too much for us. The kids were tired of losing their toys & even they put up no fight when we brought the subject up. 

So we called Lisa who we'd got him from & before the words came out our mouths she had a family who wanted him. That made our decision much, much easier. Grant & the kids met the new family & we know he will be living on an acreage and will be around his brothers & his momma on a regular basis. 

Norman dreaming of greener pastures. 
We'll miss him but we won't miss the hair. 

Katrina & Korben came to stay with us for 4 days last week. The kids had such a blast at the beach, riding the bumper boats, rock climbing, playing at the wave pool, cougar hunting...etc, etc. Drew has been missing his friends terribly & to have Korben come to visit was exactly what he needed. 

Best Buds

Sand castle building at Piper's Lagoon

Ice Cream after bumper boats in Parksville

Faces full of burgers - poor Mara was feeling left out!

That's okay, soon after she got to be a big girl who"lunches"

Kadoodle & Bear

Mara & Nanie in Courtenay

Auntie Peg visits from Cranbrook

We are so thankful for these days with Nanie

"I told you that if you lift up the rocks you're in for a world of adventure!"
(Drew at Qualicum Beach)

A very serious portrait

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Who doesn't love a parade?

Forget camping, relaxing or traveling for the long weekend - instead we entered the Ladysmith Parade! We still have no idea what the parade was for, but we did it for fun, exposure and to celebrate the official transition of ownership.

Our guys really got into it & DK loved it, no question. They took their balloon & candy duties very seriously. They ran the entire parade route!

Nothing like using your kids to milk the cuteness factor

After a long night of balloon prep Drew tries to keep himself awake...
 while driving Mara along the parade route


She was 'almost' Annie!

"People were BEGGING me for mini-trucks & they loved my hair!"