Friday, June 22, 2007

Lessons in Force

Our genius children spent the afternoon learning about force via our new Super Soaker Volcano Man sprinkler. They continually stuck faces, bums, toys, rocks, etc. on the top of the sprinkler to see what would happen. I figure it was all just so Drew was able to say, "Ahhh! I just blew my butt off!!" over and over without getting in trouble.
27 weeks and 3 days

However, he so thoughtfully took some time out from his experiments to snap this photo of chubby momma 'supervising' their game. Yesterday I got the comment, "You are sure looking round! And just think, you still have so much longer to go!" Friends are so awesome.

Drew had his final soccer game of the season on Wednesday night & finished on a goal high of 5 goals against the Green Gators! That meant Dad owed him a total of $19 for the season. If he keeps this up he's going to be one rich boy.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sunday Sunsets

Yet another reason we live here. This was the view from our deck tonight.

This last week marked another milestone in Drew's education as he 'graduated' from Kindergarten complete with diploma and song.

Drew & "The Damn" (Kai's early version of Madame that stuck)

Bumpa tried & tried to get a nice picture of Drew & Chloe (his girlfriend).
This was the best one. What a typical boy!

Drew, Antony & Aidan

Afterwards, the kids surprised the parents by reading a book to us...all by themselves!

Embarrassing him already