Tuesday, January 8, 2008

4 months old!

Kai has some serious competition
for the weirdest one in the family

It is very hard to believe that our Mara is already 4 months old. It seems as if time just keeps speeding up and we're finally understanding why we were so often told to cherish every moment with the kids.

When Drew was born we didn't (or couldn't) believe those random old ladies in the grocery store when they'd offer that same line, "Oh dear make sure you enjoy every second because they grow so fast!" For one, they all seemed nuts, but on the other hand, it felt like an eternity before we'd ever sleep/eat a meal in peace/have adult conversation again - so how could she possibly say an eternity would go by fast?!? Then Kai was born and we caught a glimpse into what those well-meaning strangers meant. Suddenly Drew seemed so big and so much older next to his new sister. But at the same time we were too busy to really sit back and marvel at it. And now that Mara is here and already babbling away, eating off a spoon and trying desperately to roll over in spite of her "kai-ish" figure, we get it. Time goes too fast. I've already resigned to the fact that I will soon be one of those ladies in every store who stops the weary new mother to tell her so.

It was a year ago this week I found out I was pregnant. Now our perfect third child is 4 months old and fantastic. She laughed out loud for the first time on New Years Eve and is now more social than ever.

Thankfully I get to be home with all three of them and don't have to worry about getting back to work anytime soon. The girls get all of my attention during the day - other than when I'm busy stepping in warm puddles of pee that is - and Drew gets it all at night. I try to remember to haul out the camera as much as I can because even though Grant bugs me for it, he appreciates it later. Just last night after the kids & dog were finally sleeping, we went through all of the pictures of the kids from the past couple years - it took awhile - there was one or two...

Here are just a few more from the last couple days. They were taken while Drew was at school becoming smarter than his parents. It's not that we hide him away, I swear.

Mara's first go at cereal.
She loved it - despite what her face says,
she's just trying to be dramatic

Not one to let someone steal the spotlight,
Kai entertains Mara in the bath & requests I capture it

Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year

Here are some random photos from the last week. There is not much time to write as I am waiting either for Mara to wake up, DK to fight, Norman to eat a toy (or child)...or all of the above.

We have been busier than usual these last 2 weeks. Between wrangling a fuzzy & wacky Norman, entertaining a growing & 'talking' Mara (15 pounds & eating cereal!), Drew's birthday, skiing, skating 3 times a week, dance classes & shuffling the sleeping arrangements around (Kai & Mara now share a room) - we've had zero down time. Only one more day & DK are back to school & daycare! I see the light!

Drew, a very worried Mara & Kai cuddle in Mara's crib before bed

Goofball & Mara

Kai, Drew & "the boy Kai" erupt a volcano

Ready to hit the slopes for the first time on Dec. 30