Friday, March 30, 2007

It's all work for Super Drew

"When the baby is born I can look after it when you and Daddy go out - but you'll still have to get a babysitter for Kai. To look after both of them at the same time I'd have to be Stretch (Mr. Fantastic) from Fantastic Four!"

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Uncle Jason & Monty HoHo get married!

Bumpa was back from Japan just long enough to show us some of the beautiful photos of Jason & Maho's wedding before leaving again on the "big boat". Congratulations to Jason and DK's new favourite relative. We are so excited to see both of you for wedding #2 in Vernon in the fall.

This weekend marks the last weekend before Daddy comes home! DK and I have been counting down the sleeps religiously. Drew shouts the number before leaving his bed in the morning, "5 more now!" It scared me the first time he did it, because of course he's up before I am. Now I just count on him as my alarm.

On Friday Janet and Jen, who both have two daughters, came over for a visit with Kai. Drew happily went to Korben's house during the chaos. Jen, Janet and I went to high school together and Jen and I are both due with our third babies just 1 week apart. It was a loud afternoon but it was wonderful to have them here.

On Saturday I went to the funeral of Bert Manson, the man who performed our wedding ceremony. He was 85 and he had performed weddings up until 2 years ago! It was a beautiful service & I'm glad I was able to go. Right afterwards I had to rush home to change and take the kids to another birthday party. This is our 4th weekend in a row with a birthday party & we have 2 more next weekend! This party was for Drew's kindergarten friends Aidan & Chloe. The kids had a gymnastics lesson, face painting and a huge bouncy castle - it was great! Thanks Sue for putting window-writing markers in the goody bags. Lots of fun = lots of mess.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Oh Baby! Here comes another Belbin

Well, everyone else is doing it - so I figured why shouldn't we? As our family gets prepared to expand again, I will try to keep everyone as updated as possible via this site.

Now that the weather is starting to improve we are busy getting ready for Kai's first year-end dance performance & gearing up for Drew's first season of soccer. Kai loves, loves, loves performing, regardless of what she's doing (as if that is a surprise to anyone!). The photo above is from her class this morning. Kai is standing between Janet's daughter, Abby & Bobbi's daughter, Kendra. It is an hour of action-packed comedy for all of the mothers every Saturday morning!

Drew and I have been practising very seriously for his debut on the field. He's a little concerned that he is only the second fastest runner in his class, so he's been working on that. His ball skills are very good and he's already learning to fake. It won't be long before ol' mum is too slow to play against.

Otherwise, everything at the Belbin household is chugging along. I am over the initial exhausting part of pregnancy & I'm starting to feel a little bit more human. I heard the heartbeat on Thursday & I can feel that I am definitely starting to fill out. With a mid-Sept. due date, it is going to be an interesting...and hot summer for me.

We are very excited for Daddy's return in about 2 weeks. It has been a looong six months & the kids are more than ready to have a break from me!