Saturday, June 20, 2009

Low Tide

We spent a perfect day today at Rathtrevor Beach in Parksville. We found some enormous shells for our collection, harassed hermit crab, took over a sand castle & ran from the rising tide at the end of a great afternoon. Afterward we ate icecream & rented movies. Even then DK both said the day felt "very lonely" without Dad. Ahhhhh, honesty. Thanks kids. I guess boring ol' mum is just no match.

Grant is enjoying a rare, meager, 24 hours away in Vancouver & it's no secret he's missed, apparently. Tonight Drew set his alarm for bright & early so we can all be sure the Father's Day surprises are ready in time for Grant's return. Because of this I actually had to talk Grant out of taking the first ferry home - he wanted to be back to make us breakfast! (Seriously?!?) I am a lucky woman & we are a very, very lucky family.

Happy Father's Day to Bumpa, Grandpa Derek & of course Grant - we miss all of you!

Mara offering her advice on spinning.

Carving out their moat.

Kadoodle conquers the castle.

Drew working hard to "look like a skater"
(He was most impressed his underwear was showing in the photo
= authentic skater.)

All 3 looking in one direction for the first time ever!



Mara was not having a tantrum. She was yelling, "HI SAND!!"

Ice cream from the General Store.
Mara liked it.

A lot.

Last week she had her hair done by Trisha while spending the afternoon there. Now she brings me any elastic she finds hoping to have it done again. She then stares at herself in the mirror, "Sooooo Prrrreeeetttty".